adequate adj. 1.适当的;足够的,充分的。 2.恰当,胜任的。 3.尚可的,差强人意的。 give only an adequate performance 演出仅差强人意。 adequate for 适合;足够。 adequate to (one's needs) 敷(用),够(用)。 adequate to (one's post) 胜(任)。 The supply is not adequate to the demand. 供不应求。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
They must also make adequate disclosure about themselves to their clients and avoid making misleading or deceptive representations 另一方面,会员亦须向客户充份披露本身的资料,并尽量避免作出含误导或欺骗成份的陈述。
Ais should ensure that adequate disclosure regarding such schemes has been made to the borrowers in conformity with the spirit and objectives of the code of banking practice 认可机构亦应确保已遵照银行营运守则的精神与目标,就该等计划向借款人披露足够资料。
Major principles included in gaap are the objective principle , the materiality principle , the consistency principle , the conservatism principle , the accrual - basis accounting principle , the adequate disclosure principle , the matching principle , the realization principle , and the cost principle 公认会计原则所包括的主要原则有:客观性原则,重要性原则,一致性原则,稳健性原则,权责发生制原则,充分披露原则,配比原则,实现原则和成本原则。
These include : setting up a credit reference agency for smes ; disseminating information about the sme loan market ; promoting adequate disclosure of financial and other information of smes ; enhancing smes accounting standards ; and developing and using a credit - scoring system in the sme loan market 这些措施包括:设立中小企业信贷资料库公布有关中小企业贷款市场的资料推动中小企业披露充足的财政及其他资料提高中小企业的会计标准,以及在中小企业贷款市场发展和运用信贷评分系统。
One of these is an effective mechanism of enforcement of the standards and rules which have been officially established . 1 lowever , enforcement issues , whilst important , arc not as important on a day to day basis as is the concept of adequate disclosure . this is because of the dominance of what may be called the civil law culture which influence the administration of companies and securities laws in many countries . avoiding misleading and deceptive conduct in relation to securities is necessary if the goals of disclosure policy are to be achieved , as it is potentially damaging to markets and to markets confidence if the disclosed information is misleading or deceptive 信息披露违规在市场上随处可见,但受到处罚的却不多;全国人大在《证券法》执法检查中明确指出: “信息披露不真实是上市公司招股、上市、配股和年报工作中存在的一个比较普遍的问题” ; 2003年1月2日证券时报的调查显示,外资进入我国证券市场最担心的既不是股票的流通性问题,也不是市盈率过高的问题,而是我国证券信息披露的不完善造成的证券信息的无效性和不对称性。